
6 Simple Steps to Help You Get Started in Digital Marketing

New Year, New Side Hustle?! 

If you’ve been thinking about starting a side hustle or even taking your business online this year… 

Then you may be wondering, "Where Do I Start With Digital Marketing?” 

Digital Marketing is also known as online marketing because it’s a way to communicate with your customers and clients online. 

This includes online communication like email, social media, web advertising, and more! 

Even though there seem to be constant changes happening in the digital marketing world, the good news is that certain strategies will never get old. 

So if you’re wondering where to start with digital marketing… 

Here are six steps to take to get started today:  

Step 1 - Determine your zone of ‘genius’ 

The very first step to getting started in digital marketing is determining your zone of genius. Your genius zone is an area in which you feel like your natural talents are being used to create something great. You experience flow, inspiration, and work becomes almost effortless. 

Your zone of genius is important to your success in digital marketing because it’s based on: 

  • What you are good at…  
  • What you are passionate about…  
  • What people are coming to you for…  
  • What you are going to be known for… 
  • What you have authority and expertise in…

And when you start a business around what you’re good at and what you’re passionate about, it’s more effortless for you to succeed. 


Because your work is fun instead of a struggle to get through. 

So to find your genius zone, ask yourself what you’re good at, what you’re passionate about, or what areas you have experience in. Then decide if you could start and grow a business around one of those things. 

For instance, let’s use Wavoto as an example. Wavoto’s zone of genius is to make the lives of business owners easier by providing them with ONE simple place to run their business. 

Step 2 - Find your audience 

In order for your digital marketing to be successful, you must know who you are marketing to. So how do you discover your audience? 

By asking great questions so you can get great answers! The questions you’re looking for answers to are based on your audience’s demographics, psychographics, interests, concerns, issues, wants, and desires. We make discovering your customer base extremely easy with our Discovering your Avatar worksheet. Download today for free by clicking here

Once you know what your unique skills are and WHO your audience is, then you can figure out how to help them! 

Step 3 - Help your audience 

The #1 Rule in digital marketing is to provide value to people! And the “Golden Rule” of online marketing is to Give Something Valuable Away in Order to Sell Something That Can Help Them.

So in order to provide value to your audience and sell them something, you must help your audience! So how do you do that? You must figure out a way to solve their current problems! 

Let’s take Wavoto as an example… 

Our audience is mainly online business owners, brands, course creators, and social media influencers. And a big problem these people face is that running an online business is complicated ESPECIALLY when you have to manage everything in separate, disjointed places. 

So to help, Wavoto provides a digital office that allows you to have everything you need to run an online business in ONE simple place.  

Step 4 - Reach your audience 

Now that you know who your audience is and what they need help with, you need to reach your audience. What is the best platform to reach them? Where do they hang out? This could be places like your email list, Facebook groups, or even Instagram. The options are as big as the internet! 

At Wavoto, we use our email list, website, our blog, funnels, and social media to reach our audience because we know that’s where they hang out. 

Now that we know where they hang out, we can set goals to create a successful digital marketing strategy.  

Step 5 - Set goals

Nothing great happens without setting goals. 

So if you’re looking for the top 3 ways to set goals so you can achieve them and make sure they have an impact, check out this quick read here. You’ll walk away with actionable goals that you can reach!

The final step to help you get started in digital marketing is to take action and set up your online business.   

Step 6 - Set up your online business in ONE simple place! 

Wavoto makes running your online business simply because everything you need is in ONE place. 

It comes with an email marketing system, site builder, quick links, funnel builder, and eCommerce platform, giving you all the tools you need to start and run a modern business.

  • Site Builder
Design and host the website of your dreams in a mobile-friendly, drag-&-drop environment.
  • Quick Links
Break up with LinkTree. Share all your links on a single page inside your Wavoto workspace without losing website traffic to another URL.
  • Funnel Builder
Craft automated sales cycles, integrated with your website pages, email system, & CRM.
  • eCommerce
Offer products, services, and online courses through your website.

Confidently start your year with a digital marketing strategy, instead of just digital marketing tasks! Wavoto is here to help you accomplish that - sign-up for your FREE 14-day trial to get started.

Organization is the key to successful marketing strategies & your content deserves it! With our free Content Calendar Template, you are ensuring that you are consistently sharing your content to build trust with your audience. Start managing your content from one place!

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